High Fuel Costs? Here Are 10 Ways To Reduce Consumption

High Fuel Costs? Here Are 10 Ways To Reduce Consumption

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High Fuel Costs? Here Are 10 Ways To Reduce Consumption

Fuel costs vary depending on where you live, but they can add up quickly. If you’re driving a fleet of vehicles, you might want to consider reducing fuel consumption. Maximizing your vehicle’s miles per gallon (MPG) is one way to reduce fuel costs.

In this blog, we will discuss how to decrease fleet fuel consumption and the benefits of doing so. We’ll also look at some ways that you can do it without breaking the bank!

Understanding Fuel Cost

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of decreasing fleet fuel consumption, let’s first understand what fuel cost actually means.

Fuel costs are the amount of money spent for each unit of energy used by your vehicle. Fuel costs vary widely depending on where you live and how far you travel. 

10 Ways To Reduce Fuel Consumption

Now that we have an understanding of fuel costs, let’s take a look at 10 ways to decrease fleet fuel consumption.

  1. Upgrade to Fuel-Efficient Vehicles

You can improve your company’s fuel efficiency by replacing old and high-mileage vehicles with newer ones. Newer models tend to be lighter and more aerodynamic. They also have better engines that burn less fuel. These improvements translate directly into higher MPG ratings.

  1. Monitor Speeding

It’s as simple as looking at your speedometer. The faster you drive, the more gas you use. When you see yourself getting close to the speed limit, slow down until you reach the posted speed limit. You may even find that you can save money by going slower than the speed limit.

Did you know? Reducing speed by just 5 to 10 mph can improve fuel economy by 7% – 14%. With this big of an impact, it is worth gathering your drivers to educate and emphasize the importance of not speeding. As a fleet owner, you may also want to consider installing GPS/monitoring in the vehicles to help enforce this matter. 

  1. Keep Tires Properly Inflated

If you keep your tires properly inflated, then you’ll get better mileage out of them. Underinflation leads to tire wear and poor traction. Overinflation causes the treads to wear away too fast. Both situations lead to increased fuel usage. 

According to the Department of Energy, for every 1-PSI drop in tire pressure, you can expect fuel mileage to lower by 0.4 percent. On average, you can expect to improve your miles per gallon (MPG) by 0.6%, but you could see as high as a 3% increase.

  1. Use Brakes Wisely

When in heavy traffic, consider braking sooner rather than waiting and slamming on the breaks. This can cause you to overly slow down and have to use the accelerator harder to get back up to speed.

  1. Avoid High-Gravity Areas

When you’re traveling over long distances, avoid areas that have lots of hills or mountains. These types of roads require extra effort from your engine. As a result, your car uses more fuel. 

Choose smoother roads instead and drive consistently to allow your engine to work efficiently.

  1. Cut Engine Idling

Leaving an engine idling can increase fuel consumption and decrease fuel efficiency. While utilizing hydraulics or other job site needs, the engine may need to idle. However, when possible, try to limit unnecessary engine idle time.

  1. Manage Driver Behavior

Driver behavior can cut fuel consumption significantly. Drivers who follow traffic laws tend to use less fuel and typically are involved in less accidents. Drivers who tailgate other drivers waste fuel because they force their engines to rev up unnecessarily.  

  1. Minimize Overloading 

Overloading your vehicle increases its weight. As a result, it requires more fuel to move around. For instance, for every 100 pounds, fuel efficiency can drop by as much as 2%. If there are unnecessary items in your trunk or vehicle, consider removing them.

Tire pressure is one of the most overlooked aspects of driving. It can make a big difference in your vehicle’s fuel economy. Check your tire pressure regularly and adjust accordingly. Not only does tire pressure impact fuel consumption, but it can make a significant impact on the handling and braking of your vehicle. And if you combine low tire pressure with a heavy weight load, you could find yourself on the side of the road with a blown tire.

  1. Know Your Vehicle’s Fuel Economy

Your vehicle may not show you how much fuel it consumes, but you can find out by looking at your owner’s manual. Many vehicles also include fuel economy ratings. Knowing what MPG your vehicle should have and comparing it to what MPG it is actually getting can make you aware of a potential maintenance problem. 

  1. Filters & Oil Changes

Replacing a clogged or dirty air filter has been proven to increase the fuel efficiency and acceleration of certain types of vehicles. And for most vehicles the cost of an air filter and associated labor is relatively low, especially for the fuel cost savings impact it can make.

Did you know that putting the wrong motor oil in your vehicle can also make a slight dent in miles per gallon? Using the wrong oil viscosity, especially if using thicker than manufacturer-recommended, will directly impact fuel consumption. The engine has to work harder to break down the oil to the thickness required to lubricate the moving parts of the engine.  

  1. Get Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance keeps your vehicle working well. This includes routine oil changes, brake repairs, and tune-ups. By keeping your vehicle in good shape, you’ll be able to maximize fuel efficiency.

Decreasing Fuel Consumption

In conclusion, decreasing fuel consumption doesn’t happen overnight. It is a process that takes some planning and practice. Remember that you don’t always have control over what happens outside of your vehicle. But you can take the steps mentioned above to ensure that your vehicle runs smoothly and that it is fuel-efficient.

Furthermore, you should know that even though these tips might help you decrease fuel consumption, they aren’t foolproof. You still need to pay attention to your driving habits and maintain your vehicle properly.

Need A Regular Fleet Maintenance Program?

Andy’s Automotive & Truck Services has been providing fleet maintenance to Jacksonville, Fl, and its surrounding areas since the early 1960s. We understand that when your vehicle isn’t on the road, you’re not serving your customers. And this is the reason why we offer our services for both commercial and private fleets.

Our goal is to provide quality service at affordable prices while maintaining high standards of customer satisfaction. To learn more about our services, call us today at (904) 207-5191.

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